About Me

Hi, I’m Lana, the Travel Savvy Gal! I’m an American who, after about a decade living in Washington, DC, ended up with the opportunity to live abroad through a series of happy coincidences. In 2012, I moved to Perth (Australia) and in 2013, to Milan (Italy) where I still live.
After high school I did a gap year, which most people hadn’t even heard of at the time – it was the late 1990s, after all. I participated in a program that involved living, studying, and volunteering in Israel for a year. During that time I traveled around the country nearly every weekend, and have been an avid traveler ever since!
I love to eat and drink well, and while I’ve done my fair share of solo traveling, it’s even better when I get to experience a new place with friends and family. I’ve been fortunate to have wonderful people to share in many of my adventures, and can’t wait to share them with you as well.
Happy travels!
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