10 Reasons to Travel Anyway
Excuse #1: I can’t afford to travel
Why Travel Anyway:
I hear this one a lot. Many people I know who do not travel much bemoan the fact that travel is too expensive. It can be, but it certainly doesn’t have to be! I find that because I live in a city with a decently high cost of living, there are many places off the beaten path that I can visit where my daily or weekly costs (including accommodations) is less than if I was in Milan for that same time.
Don’t have any money saved up? There are lots of ways to start putting away money a little at a time. Do you spend $5 a day on coffee out when you could brew at home? Do you eat lunch out when you could bring leftovers into the office? Do you really need another shirt that looks just like the ones you have at home? Do you splurge on taxis when you could have taken public transit? Even one of these cost-saving measures can amount to big savings toward a future trip. Plan for your goals, and start setting money aside to make it possible.
Excuse #2: Work is too busy
Why Travel Anyway:
A lot of my friends live in major cities in the northeastern United States (where workaholics abound), so I hear this one a lot. Yes, many people’s work schedules have busier periods throughout the year that really are not options for travel, however this is not typically true for the *whole* year. Or, if you are constantly busy, then work will always be too busy and then you can pick any time really to block off time for travel. The work will still be there when you return, I promise. And if you plan ahead and have a strategy to still meet all of your deadlines, most employers are willing to be flexible.
Excuse #3: I’ll travel next year
Why Travel Anyway:
This is probably not exactly what Shakespeare had in mind when he wrote “tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow . . .” but the sentiment certainly applies here. None of us know for certain what the future holds, so why keep putting off something as fun as travel? Sometimes the circumstances that make travel affordable (like the lower value of the British pound after the Brexit vote) are just temporary. It’s impossible to know ahead of time which trends will last, so if travel makes sense now, just do it!
Excuse #4: I don’t have anyone to travel with
Why Travel Anyway:
If you have never travelled by yourself, I strongly recommend it! There are many accommodations like hostels where even if you book a private room, you have the opportunity to meet other solo travellers or join organized tours. It is a great way to see a place without all of the negotiation involved when you’re travelling with others. You can stick to just the tourist sites you’d like to see, and you always get to pick what and where you eat.
Even if you’re not convinced, there is likely a creative solution for you. When I finished graduate school (and was a teacher still, so had the summer off), I wanted to take a 3+ week trip. But none of my friends could take that much time off of work and most teacher friends had gotten jobs that summer. So I travelled for a bit over 3 weeks, but with two different friends – one for the first half and another for the second half. If you’re really not interested in travelling alone, see what combination of people may be able to join you for a trip or if there is an organized tour that fits your budget.
Excuse #5: There’s nowhere new I want to go
Why Travel Anyway:
I struggle when I hear this, because as I travel, the list of places I want to go keeps getting longer! If you’ve been happy with the trips you’ve already taken, that of course is fine, too. Why not revisit one of your favorite past destinations?
Travel is energizing because it opens your eyes to things you don’t see in a normal day at home, and takes you out of your usual routine. You’ll see the world with fresh eyes, even after just a weekend away.
Excuse #6: I have young children, so I can’t travel
Why Travel Anyway:
This one is just not true. Travel, with or without your little ones, is always a choice. I even have friends who go out of their way to travel when their children are very little, so they can come on the airplane without needing their own ticket. For friends who visited Milan with two young children, there were more frequent bathroom stops but also lots of time to walk around outside or visit a museum while the kids slept in their strollers.
Recent visitors to Milan have also included friends who left their little ones at home with grandparents. Parents need breaks, too. And for those who have the support at home of having people who can care for their child or children while they’re away, yes, you’ll miss them. But taking the time to relax away from the kids will make you an even more engaged parent when you return. Which is good for them, too.
Excuse #7: My significant other can’t travel, so I shouldn’t either. Or he/she doesn’t want to travel.
Why Travel Anyway:
It’s challenging to find two people whose travel desires exactly align. More likely, one person in a relationship is interested in more travel than the other. And certainly in the Milan expat world, often one partner has work travel that makes them less willing and able to travel for pleasure.
So why travel anyway? First, solo travel can be hugely fulfilling and a wonderful way to take a trip (see Excuse #4 above). Just because you don’t have your significant other as a built-in travel buddy, doesn’t mean you can’t and shouldn’t take advantage of opportunities to travel on your own. And certainly being married or in a relationship does not preclude your travelling with other friends. Some of my best trips in Europe have been with friends, some of whom are married or in long-term relationships and chose to travel with me for a weekend anyway. Just make sure there is communication with your significant other about your travel plans in advance, to avoid possible misunderstandings later.
Excuse #8: Travel is dangerous, what if something happens to me?
Why Travel Anyway:
Yes, travel can be dangerous. Life in the 21st century can also be dangerous, regardless of where you live. For some people, depending on the destination, travel may even be safer than their home city. Regardless of your situation, safety is a consideration and may impact which destination you choose for your trip, however should not keep you from exploring new and far away destinations.
After the recent attacks in Paris, Brussels, Nice and beyond, I’ve fielded many questions about safety in Europe that you can read about here. I do not feel like day-to-day life in Europe is particularly dangerous, but it is up to each individual to make that call. The most important thing when it comes to choosing a destination you do not find dangerous is trusting your instincts. Do your research, consult which destinations are safest, follow common-sense safety tips wherever you are, and focus on the wonderful travel you’re privileged to experience. And yes, take that trip!
Excuse #9: Travel is too stressful. Or planning travel is too stressful.
Why Travel Anyway:
Some people, like me, thrive on the research and planning that goes into a wonderful travel experience. Others drag their heels and avoid it like the plague until the very last moment, if they plan anything at all. Obviously there is quite a broad spectrum here of what level of planning each person is comfortable with, and I certainly advocate finding a balance in your own travel planning to avoid being stressed out. Some people opt for cruises or all-inclusive beach vacations to avoid this, and if that is you and what you enjoy, wonderful. If going to several different cities in a single trip seems overwhelming, find a city with a ton to do and plan a long weekend getaway there instead.
The same philosophy goes for travel itself. Yes, it is nice when travel stretches your boundaries, but not to the point of being so stressed out you can’t enjoy the experience. Be in tune with what situations get your heart racing in a panicked way, and organize your travel to minimize those situations and maximize the enjoyment and reward.
Excuse #10: I like all the comforts of home, why would I leave?
Why Travel Anyway:
I heard someone say once that everything will either be a great experience or a great story, and I feel like this attitude is especially appropriate for travel. You are outside of your comfort zone, and may not speak the language or know where to find necessities in a pinch, but that is the adventure of travelling. Of course, you can tailor your travel plans to whatever level of adventure either keeps you completely comfortable or pushes you a bit beyond your usual conveniences.
Regardless of how much you love and thrive in the comforts of home, there are so many benefits to travel! Conde Nast Traveler recently did a round up of 5 Ways Travel Makes You Smarter, and there is also a boost to your creativity and flexibility from the new situations you encounter on the road. And of course, when you do come home at the end of a trip, the comforts of home are all the sweeter =)
These are some of the reasons why I travel anyway – and try to convince reluctant friends that travel *is* worth it. Why do YOU travel? Any particular resources I can provide on the blog to make your travel easier or better? Tell me more in the Comments below.
2 thoughts on “10 Reasons to Travel Anyway”
I’m really enjoying your blog, Thanks!
Thanks, Greta, I hope you are inspired to take your next trip.
Happy travels!